Make Kindness Contagious!

Published on 14 February 2024 at 23:45

“Kindness it cost nothing but means everything”- Unknown


 It’s been a while since we last shared some fun activities for you to do with your kids. Black History month, Random Acts of Kindness Day and Valentine’s Day are a few of the beautiful things we celebrate in the month of February. All around us, we can see, hear and feel love and acceptance in the air! 


This week we begin Random Acts of Kindness week on Valentines Day February 14th and celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day on February 17th. So, in honor of Random Acts of Kindness Week, here are some of our favorite ways to teach and spread kindness! 

 To start, let’s talk about what the word kindness means. The definition is: the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Kindness is not just used with people in your community, or friends, but also your family and especially to yourself. I’m sure you all have heard or seen self-kindness being talked about more and more on social media as well as mainstream media. Treating yourself with kindness is so important! When talking to your kids about being kind to themselves, give them some ideas! For example, talk to them about the things that make them feel happy and love. Ask them what they enjoy doing. Share some of the activities you like to do with them, whether it be reading a book together, playing a game, watching a favorite movie or just talking about how their day was. Showing interest in what they like and makes them happy is an act of kindness in itself.

Two of our favorite books to read to younger kids are Hair Love, written by Matthew A. Cherry and Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller

Hair Love, is about a little girl who loves her hair and wants to style it extra special, with the help from her daddy for an extra special day!

This book was also turned into an animated film that won an Oscar for Best Animated Short Film in 2019.

We love this story because not only does it celebrate appreciating diverse hair, but it is a sweet story that encourages children

to have good self-esteem and shows a dad stepping into a role he normally doesn’t have to help his little girl. 

This book can be a great discussion piece for kids about accepting others' differences and loving the way you look,

just the way you are! Ask kids to share one thing they love about themselves, whether it be a physical trait or something about their personality.

The next book we fell in love with is Be Kind . This story talks about how we can all be kind, no matter how small the gesture.

Even small acts of kindness can make a huge impact on someone else. As parents and teachers, it’s our job to show our kids how kindness starts with each of us.

No matter the situation, there is always a way to show kindness. 


Kindness Art!

A fun and simple arts and craft activity to do with kids of all ages, is making a heart banner with ways to be kind.


Finally, here are a few fun things to do with your kids during the month of February to celebrate Black History Month and this week of Random Acts of Kindness.


  • Shop or Dine/Take Out from local Black Owned Businesses in your communities. Talk about the importance of supporting small diverse businesses.



  • Read the book "I Promise" by LeBron James with your kids /family. Then have each kid or family member write down their own promise. It can be one or two words or a whole list. Anything goes! Collect all the written promises and put them in a special place to be read whenever there is a need for encouragement.



    • Take colorful chalk and have your kids draw a beautiful picture or write words of encouragement on your sidewalk for others to see as they walk, ride, or drive by
    •  At home, have your kids choose a family member or neighbor or friend to reach out to. Help them write a letter or draw picture or even give a phone call to brighten their day.
    • Give a book you feel shares or teaches kind acts with someone you love and include a letter with what you love about the story and why you shared it with them. Maybe that book will be shared with someone they know! Who knows, maybe someday, that book or another special story will come back to you!



    We at O.W.L believe everyday should be (Random Acts of Kindness Day). 

    “People will never forget how you make them feel” -Maya Angelou”